Bosquia specializes in spearheading sustainable initiatives, with a keen focus on reforestation, sustainable team-building activities, and carbon footprint offsetting. Our efforts are deeply rooted in the belief that reforestation is a critical tool in the battle against climate change, offering a natural way to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere while restoring natural habitats.
We offer bespoke team-building experiences that not only foster stronger bonds within teams but also instill a sense of environmental responsibility through hands-on participation in reforestation projects. These activities are designed not just for team development but to leave a lasting green legacy.

In addition to planting trees, Bosquia is committed to helping businesses and organizations offset their carbon footprint. We facilitate the registration of reforestation projects for carbon compensation with the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO). This ensures that our collective efforts in planting trees are officially recognized as a significant contribution towards achieving global sustainability targets.
By partnering with Bosquia, you’re choosing to make a tangible impact on the environment through reforestation, engage your team in meaningful sustainability efforts, and actively contribute to carbon offsetting initiatives, all of which are vital steps towards a greener, more sustainable planet.
At Bosquia, we do what we do because we believe in a sustainable future.
Beyond protecting the forests we already have, we work to recover parts of the land and the trees that have been destroyed by replanting them with the help of people and companies like yours, who want to make a difference.
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